Live, real-time
order information
at YOUR fingertips…

Live, real-time
order information
at YOUR fingertips…



Connect your WooCommerce stores with our integration partner, Crisp, for real-time customer order information at your fingertips…

Crisp is an all-in-one multichannel customer support platform that helps businesses connect instantly with their customers or leads who are waiting for support. Crisp is leading businesses through the customer-driven revolution by using conversations to unlock hypergrowth.

Looking for another integration?

How it Works

In 3 simple steps you can empower your team to delight your customers, time and time again.


Create a free account
with Order Insights

How it Works 1


Connect your WooCommerce
store to Order Insight

How it Works 2


Connect your Crisp account
to Order Insight

How it Works 3

That’s it!

Now you can unlock real-time Order Insights.


Save time, delight your customers


Your customers expect you to know everything about them when they request support. Save time, and delight your customers with real-time, contextual information about their orders right at your fingertips.

Benefit 2 Fix issues

Fix issues, faster than ever before

Customers make mistakes and you need to solve them, fast! Now you can fix them faster than ever with in-line editing allowing your customer to feel reassured they made the right choice buying from your business.

Benefit 3 Robust security-crisp

Robust security, for peace of mind

Built from the ground up, Order Insight utilises the latest industry-leading technology to directly integrate with the secure authentication systems from Crisp. Your customers’ data is in safe hands.

Benefit 3 Robust security-crisp

Pricing (launch offer)

Easy to understand pricing that supports your business, no matter how big or small you are.


✅ 2 Seats Included

✅ 1 Website Included

✅ View Customer Orders

❌ Edit Customer Orders


Yes, its free and you can upgrade at any time!


✅ 4 Seats Included

✅ 1 Website Included

✅ View Customer Orders

✅ Edit Customer Orders

$9 USD/month

14 days free trial | No credit-card required


✅ 20 Seats Included

✅ 3 Websites Included

✅ View Customer Orders

✅ Edit Customer Orders

$29 USD/month

14 days free trial | No credit-card required


There are so many great not-for-profits working hard to make the world a better place and we want to
help them too, that's why we are offering 35% off of our Standard and Company plans.

Want a not-for-profit discount for your organisation?

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Us

Yup, we’re here to help so ask away!